China, Taiwan, and The World

With US Air Force jet SPAR19 landing in Taiwan carrying Nancy Pelosi at the Songshan Airport at Taipei and Taiwan’s Finance Minister Su Jain-rong receiving her, the world’s geopolitics has taken sharp and interesting turns suddenly. but why this trip is so important as far as World’s geopolitics is concerned, Let us understand that

Nancy Pelosi is the speaker of the House of Representative’s of the USA(Equivalent to the speaker of Loksabha in the context of India). She is the Highest Ranking official to visit Taiwan in 25 years. China had already warned the US that they will “pay the price” if Nancy Pelosi visit Taiwan during her Asia tour,and Chinese President’s Xi Jinping’s exact words were “Those who play with fire will perish by it”. But despite all that Nancy Pelosi visited Taiwan on 2nd of August 2022 firing up tensions between Beijing and Washington. On the other hand, Taiwan’s government and people are overwhelmed by Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan, and the bond between the US and Taiwan was displayed on the Taipei 101 building which is the highest building in Taiwan.

Brief History

China always considers Taiwan as its own territory and also as a breakaway province that eventually will be unified with Mainland China, but Taiwan which is a self-governing Democratic Island considers itself Independent and autonomous. With the USA supporting Taiwan’s Democracy, China considers this as an infringement on their ‘internal matter’. The history between China and Taiwan is bitter and vast and needs to be understood separately. (Go through the topic for better understanding

Beijing’s Reaction

Just after Nancy Pelosi’s plane landed at Taiwan Airport, Beijing declared various aggressive measures to condemn the same which includes suspensions of imports of Taiwanese citrus, frozen fish, sweets, and biscuits and exports of natural sands to Taiwan. Also, Beijing announces its largest ever live-fire Military drills from 4th August to 7th of August including the Army, Navy, and Airforce surrounding the island of Taiwan. Though, the statement of Chinese President Xi Jinping a few days before that was “He supports Peaceful Unification of China and Taiwan”..Ironic??.

During the stated military drill, on the fourth of August, several warships and fighter jets crossed the Taiwan strait median line which is the unofficial and undeclared LOC between China and Taiwan. Also, China test fires its much-hyped DF-7 Missiles from Mainland China to Ocean surrounding Taiwan. In response to this Taiwan also declares Live-fire military drills on its shores to “Prep for the upcoming invasion”. As of now, the armies of both countries are on high alert.

USA and Taiwan

The US stand on this issue is very ambiguous. On one hand, US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited Taiwan despite several warnings from Beijing, on the other during the said visit National Security coordinator John Kirby stated that “The US doesn’t support Taiwan Independence”. It is clear that though the USA doesn’t recognize Taiwan as an independent country but it will surely protect Taiwan during any military conflicts which reflect in a resolution of 1979 which stated that the US will send its forces to Taiwan if China ever attack to invade Taiwan . Also under Taiwan Relations Act, USA supplies Arms and ammunitions to Taiwan regularly. Nancy Pelosi as an individual is always a staunch critic of China’s Communism. She went to Tiananmen square after the infamous 1991 protest in China against the Chinese government to show solidarity with the protestors, She also supports Uyghur Muslim rights and also Hongong’s interests, and Pelosi always dared to see China’s policy with a strong Eye.

What West is Saying…

Western Media and Governments have also supported Pelosi’s stand. There is a growing antagonism against Beijing in western media. Though Taiwan is more concerned about the fact that it can not rely on the west after the Russia-Ukraine conflict as how the west has failed Ukraine.

Hello Neighbour..!!

Japan is a close neighbour of China and Taiwan, Historically Taiwan is controlled by Japan till the second world war (For details: Japan is having a close watch on the current situation. Recently State Minister of Japan Yasuhide Nakayama stated that Japan will support Taiwan in every circumstance. Japan also claimed that at least five missiles have landed on Japan’s exclusive economic zone during the current live-fire drills of the Chinese Army.

India’s Stance

India, on the other hand, has remained silent on the current situation between China and Taiwan, with its huge imports from both China and Taiwan it will be very interesting to see New Delhi’s reaction to the scenario..

3 thoughts on “China, Taiwan, and The World”

  1. Very informative content and even complex scenarios are explained with such beauty that it becomes easy to understand.
    Useful context and content.


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