Operation Black Tornado: When Bravery Conquers Fear


In the books of military history, there are certain operations that stand out for their extraordinary courage, forever marked in our collective memory. Operation Black Tornado is undoubtedly one such extraordinary tale that captivates the hearts and minds of those who hear it. It is a story of resilience, bravery, and unwavering determination in the face of unimaginable odds.

Picture this: A silent dark night engulfing the iconic Taj Mahal Hotel in Mumbai, India. Suddenly, the silence is shattered by the gunshots and grenade explosions, plunging the city into chaos and terror. It was November 26, 2008, a date that would forever be etched in the history of India as one of its darkest moments. Ten highly trained terrorists, heavily armed and driven by a sinister agenda, launched a thoroughly planned and devastating attack on various targets across the city.

Amidst the panic and havoc, a select group of men emerged as a beacon of hope. The Indian Special Forces, comprising the elite National Security Guards (NSG), sprung into action. Operation Black Tornado was launched; it would soon become known all over the world as a symbol of the strong pursuit of justice and the staunch dedication to safeguard innocent lives.

Operation Black Tornado
COL SUNIL SHERON who led Operation Black Tornado

This operation was led by the fearless commander BRIG SUNIL SHEORAN, the brave soldiers of NSG devised a plan to neutralize all the terrorists and reclaim the captured Taj Mahal hotel. A relentless, heart-pounding battle that would test their will, press the limits of their stamina, and threaten their very humanity followed.

We get insight into the hearts and minds of these great men as the narrative progresses, observing their extraordinary abilities, their unbreakable bonds of trust, and the sacrifices they were prepared to make to protect their beloved country. From room to room, floor to floor, They carefully moved through Taj’s maze-like hallways in an effort to put a stop to the reign of terror that had engulfed Mumbai.

But Operation Black Tornado was not just about the tactical genius and steadfast bravery of a few exceptional people. It was evidence of the country’s resiliency and unity—of the unbreakable spirit that binds people in the face of adversity. The operation would forever change the course of counter-terrorism operations in India, leaving a permanent impact on its security measures and inspiring generations to come.

In this blog, we will learn about one of the bravest operation by the Indian Special Forces, unfolding the complexities and emotions surrounding Operation Black Tornado. We will delve into the heroic tales that will astound you and the terrifying moments of uncertainty, and the profound impact this operation had on the lives of those who were part of it.

So fasten your seatbelts as we embark on an action-packed story that will keep you on the edge of your seat. 

Operation Black Tornado

Background of Operation Black Tornado:

Operation Black Tornado was launched against the grim backdrop of the devastating terrorist attacks that hit Mumbai, India, on November 26, 2008. This planned and coordinated assault was carried out by ten dangerous and highly trained terrorists. These terrorists targeted multiple locations across the city, including the iconic Taj Mahal Hotel. The attackers were heavily armed with sophisticated and advanced weaponry and driven by a sinister agenda. 

The heroes of that particular incident then rose when everything appeared hopeless and Mumbai Police and residents were in a panic. To manage the crisis, the Indian government promptly contacted the National Security Group, sometimes known as “The Black Cats.” NSG is a division of the Home Ministry’s Indian Special Forces. They are the courageous, well-motivated, and highly-trained wing of the Indian Special Forces. After hours of hopelessness, the inhabitants of not only Mumbai but the entire country were filled with pride and a sense of security when the Black Cats came.

Wasting no time NSG launched Operation Black Tornado objective of which was to neutralize each and every terrorist present at Hotel Taj Mahal, secure the area, and no more deaths of innocent civilians.

Operation Black Tornado
Black Cat Commandos doing Mock drills

Heroic Stories of Operation Black Tornado

During Operation Black Tornado, innumerable acts of bravery, heroism, and selflessness took place that still makes people wonder and respect. The tales of these amazing people serve as a monument to the unshakable dedication to duty and tenacious spirit demonstrated throughout the operation.

Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan, the squad leader of the NSG commandos who led the assault on the Taj Mahal Hotel, was one of these heroes. Major Unnikrishnan showed unmatched bravery by refusing to back down despite suffering serious injuries during the opening exchange of fire and inspiring his fellow soldiers to advance. He bravely led his team down the perilous hallways, engaged the terrorists in intense fire battles, and finally sacrificed himself so that hostages might be freed. His unshakable will and unselfish deeds earned him the Ashoka Chakra, India’s highest military honor for a peacetime achievement.

Another inspiring story of bravery came from the Taj Mahal Hotel’s kitchen, where a group of hotel employees under the direction of the executive chef, Hemant Oberoi, showed tremendous bravery. They directed visitors to safety, blocked doors, and made makeshift hiding spots while putting their own lives in danger to keep them safe from the terrorists. Many people were saved thanks to Oberoi’s leadership and inventiveness in the face of peril, earning him praise on both a national and international level for his extraordinary bravery.

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Equally impressive is the tale of NSG commando Gajendra Singh. Singh faced terrorists in close-quarters combat while carrying only a 9mm pistol and a small supply of ammunition, displaying outstanding accuracy and fortitude. He was hit several times, but he kept fighting, killing two terrorists and buying his fellow commandos precious time to advance. His valiant deeds and unwavering commitment to safeguarding innocent lives made him a poster child for bravery and resiliency.

The courageous Mumbai Police officers who bravely fought alongside the NSG commandos should not be forgotten. By risking his life to grip the assault rifle barrel of a terrorist, Assistant Sub-Inspector Tukaram Omble displayed incredible bravery. He gave up his life so that other officers could subdue the terrorist and render him helpless. Omble’s sacrifice symbolizes the commitment and bravery displayed by the Mumbai Police during the operation.

Operation Black Tornado
Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan and Assistant Sub-Inspector Tukaram Omble

These are only a few of the innumerable heroic tales that took place during Operation Black Tornado. Each tale exemplifies the staunch will and amazing bravery of people who risk their lives to defend others. These heroic deeds, performed in the midst of unimaginable chaos and danger, have inspired people not only in India but all across the world and serve as a constant reminder of the persistent human spirit and the limitless capacity for selfless sacrifice in the pursuit of justice and peace.

Successful Outcome of Operation black Tornado

Operation Black Tornado achieved all the objectives of neutralizing the terrorists and liberating the Taj Mahal Hotel from the clutches of the terrorists. The operation showcased the exceptional bravery, coordination, skill, and determination of the Indian Special Forces, particularly the NSG commandos. They were able to quickly and methodically clear every floor and room by carefully preparing their strategy and acting quickly, which allowed them to kill the terrorists and free the hostages. The operation’s success was credited to their professionalism and unshakable dedication to safeguarding innocent lives.

Operation Black Tornado

The security environment in India was significantly impacted by Operation Black Tornado as well. It served as a wake-up call, emphasizing the requirement for improved counterterrorism policies and readiness. The operation prompted a careful examination of security procedures, means for exchanging intelligence, and training approaches. India’s capacity to thwart potential terrorist threats has significantly improved as a result of the lessons learned during the Black Tornado.

Operation Black Tornado also provided the Indian people with a lasting legacy of resiliency and harmony. The country stood as one, supporting the valiant soldiers and paying respect to the dead heroes. Numerous people were encouraged to believe in the power of togetherness and the unyielding spirit of the Indian people as a result of the operation’s successful conclusion, which served as a beacon of hope.

The successful outcome of Operation Black Tornado demonstrated the exceptional capabilities of the Indian Special Forces, led to significant improvements in counter-terrorism measures, and fostered a sense of resilience and unity within the nation. It will forever be remembered as a defining moment

Operation Black Tornado
The image is for representation purposes only


In conclusion, Operation Black Tornado serves as a monument to the human spirit’s tenacity and the victory of bravery over adversity. This remarkable episode in Indian history serves as a testament to the undying bravery, selflessness, and sacrifice of the people who faced and overcame the forces of terror. The heroic NSG commandos, Indian Special Forces soldiers, hotel personnel, and Mumbai Police all exemplified the greatest standards of duty, honor, and commitment.

The heroic stories that emerged from Operation Black Tornado serve as a reminder that ordinary individuals can rise to extraordinary heights when faced with extraordinary challenges. Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan, Hemant Oberoi, Gajendra Singh, Tukaram Omble, and countless others exemplify the epitome of courage, selflessness, and unwavering determination.

Let us keep in mind the sacrifices made and the lessons learned as we consider the heroic tales and victorious conclusion of Operation Black Tornado. May it serve as an example for us to treasure the virtues of solidarity, bravery, and fortitude in our own lives and to pay tribute to the courageous men and women who selflessly defend and serve our countries. Operation Black Tornado will always stand as a testament to the human spirit’s ability to overcome adversity and usher in a better future, even in the most dire of circumstances.

4 thoughts on “Operation Black Tornado: When Bravery Conquers Fear”

  1. Very well described 👏👌👍 looking forward to more such descriptive and informative articles to enlighten us.


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