What is Zombie Virus ? | Will there be another scary pandemic?

Zombie Virus news is all over the internet. Many netizens are claiming that our world is now moving towards another pandemic. But what is this Zombie Virus? Why is everyone scared about it?

More than a dozen ancient viruses were discovered by researchers from the French National Center for Scientific Research. The depressing discovery was made amid deep Siberian ice cores, according to a report .

13 “zombie viruses” from the Siberian permafrost of Russia have just been awakened by European experts. One of these viruses is more than 48,500 years old, according to the study published. Numerous viruses date back thousands of years.

There is a panicked reaction to the news. Continue reading to find out more about these viruses, their resurgence, and how concerned you should be.

Zombie Virus

Zombie Virus Meaning

It is referred to as a zombie virus because, by conventional scientific definition, it was once alive before being frozen, and after the preserving ice has melted, it will once again be ‘alive’.

Zombie Virus Name

Zombie Virus

Based on its size and the frozen soil it was discovered in, the revived virus has been named Pandoravirus yedoma. The study describing its finding is on bioRxiv but has not yet undergone peer review.

Under the permafrost, Siberian wolf guts and mammoth wool have also been found in addition to the “zombie virus.”.

Why name ‘Zombie Virus’?

The term “zombie virus” refers to a virus that remains dormant because it is frozen in ice. It does not imply that the virus will induce you to turn into zombie-like in horror films and television shows. However, in keeping with the comparison, these viruses are “undead” like the fictitious zombie and can resurrect and become active in specific situations.

Why is Zombie Virus Revived?

Zombie Virus

The experts assert that their studies are based to prove that “the hazard is real” & “what should be done to avoid this “. This is because the increasing global temperature may induce these viruses to reactivate and become aggressive. If the ice covering these infectious viruses melts, they could be released into the atmosphere. This is a problem for public health, according to the primary researcher, Jean-Marie Alempic, who was quoted in Science Alert.

The analysis is based on a “moderate” warming scenario, whereby the average global temperature rise by 2100 will be between 2 and 3 degrees Celsius.

Is Human Transmission Possible?

Zombie Virus

The authors issue a warning that some of these “zombie viruses” might be harmful to people. As was previously demonstrated, permafrost thawing can result in fatalities. A child died in 2016 as a result of an anthrax outbreak in Siberia, which also led to the hospitalisation of a large number of individuals. The anthrax outbreak may have started after a heat wave thawed the permafrost and exposed a reindeer carcass that had been tainted with the disease decades before, according to the officials.

Does Zombie Virus pose a threat?

Zombie Virus

There is currently insufficient knowledge to say with certainty if these specific zombie viruses infect a host if thawed outside in the presence of heat, oxygen, and UV radiation. The threats, according to the experts, still exist, particularly as more and more people start to occupy the melting Arctic for economic and industrial endeavors.

The study concluded that it was “fair to consider the danger of ancient virus particles remaining infectious and re-entering the environment by the thawing of ancient permafrost layers.”

Do You Need to Worry about ‘Zombie Virus’?

Zombie Virus

There is no reason to fear despite the possible risk, especially if you believe the researchers would release these viruses into the atmosphere.

According to researchers, resurrecting the viruses for this research causes no harm. More significantly, the investigated strains primarily infect exclusively amoeba-type microorganisms.

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